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[22] Letter
The background of Jankenpon Hotel now changes depending on the time of day in Japan (morning, noon, evening, night).
user.png JKPHotel Owner date.png 2024/09/20(Fri) 06:47 | 返信 | 削除 |
[21] Letter
If you go to the beach on the first floor of Jankenpon Hotel, you can enjoy an adventure with Karen-chan.
user.png JKPHotel Owner date.png 2024/09/17(Tue) 17:58 | 返信 | 削除 |
[20] Re:[15] Letter
> このJKP世界は女ばかりで一体どうなってるんだ?と思った方。じゃんけんぽんホテルの従業員エリアにあるオーナーの部屋にはその秘密が・・・
If you're wondering what's going on in this JKP world with only women, you'll find a secret in the owner's room in the employee area of ​​Jankenpon Hotel.
user.png JKPHotel Owner date.png 2024/08/01(Thu) 06:44 | 返信 | 削除 |
[19] 無題
I would like to make this a site that introduces girls who are going to participate in a swimsuit contest, with a focus on the "dress-up show." If you click on the girls and find that you get along with them, the dress-up show will begin.
user.png JKPHotel Owner date.png 2024/08/01(Thu) 06:42 | 返信 | 削除 |
[18] Letter
カレンちゃんミカちゃんエリちゃんサヤちゃん他 新システムで更新しました。新システムは”着せ替えジャンケンショー”というようなものです。
Karen, Mika, Eri, Saya and others have been updated with a new system. The new system is something like a "dress-up rock-paper-scissors show." The goal is to play rock-paper-scissors to get them to change into swimsuits, but if you fail you'll end up getting married...
user.png JKPHotel Owner date.png 2024/07/31(Wed) 00:06 | 返信 | 削除 |
[17] Letter
Jankenpon Hotel's Japanese and English pages are finally complete! 👏Please take a look!
user.png JKPHotel Owner date.png 2024/07/27(Sat) 18:35 | 返信 | 削除 |
[16] Letter
Good news for those who find it a hassle to move between hotels!
You can quickly visit each hotel by clicking the four hotel icons at the top of this page!
When it's time to return, click the email icon notification to come back here and then head to that girl at the other hotel!
user.png JKPHotel Owner date.png 2024/07/26(Fri) 22:04 | 返信 | 削除 |
[14] Letter
user.png JKPHotel Owner date.png 2024/07/26(Fri) 21:47 | 返信 | 削除 |
[13] Letter
user.png JKPHotel Owner date.png 2024/07/25(Thu) 15:59 | 返信 | 削除 |
[12] Letter
If you take a taxi from Injanhoi Hotel, you can go to the space elevator. Elevator girl Hiyori💕 will guide you to space.
user.png JKPHotel Owner date.png 2024/07/07(Sun) 23:09 | 返信 | 削除 |