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[11] Letter
ご来館ありがとうございます。新キャラ ナギサちゃんが、じゃんけん島海水浴場の海の家『椰子の実』に登場しました。ぜひ彼女と会ってあげてください。『君』を待っています。
user.png JKPHotel Owner date.png 2024/06/27(Thu) 20:52 | 返信 | 削除 |
[10] Letter
Good evening, the second floor of the Jan-Ken-Pon Hotel is now open. Eri-chan, Saya-chan, and Chika-chan dolls are displayed.
user.png JKPHotel Owner date.png 2024/05/19(Sun) 22:24 | 返信 | 削除 |
[9] Letter
Hello, JKP world has been updated. All characters are dolls.
This is a story about a doll shelf in a certain room in a certain world.
user.png JKPHotel Owner date.png 2024/05/17(Fri) 06:43 | 返信 | 削除 |
[8] Letter
If you click on them, they will talk. If the compatibility matches, a rock, paper, scissors mark will appear, so play rock, paper, scissors...From the hotel ownerじゃんけんぽんホテルオーナーより
user.png JKPHotel Owner date.png 2024/04/10(Wed) 07:05 | 返信 | 削除 |
[7] Letter
The dolls at Venus Hotel have been enriched. Please come by all means. When you visit, a flying saucer is taking off from Mars. If you get along well with the UFO girl, I think you'll be led to a hotel on Venus. Please be careful.じゃんけんぽんホテルオーナーより
user.png JKPHotel Owner date.png 2024/04/02(Tue) 17:25 | 返信 | 削除 |
[6] Letter
Venus Hotel “Gu-Pa-Jas Hotel” has opened 🎉 Please take a UFO ride from Mars Hotel. Venus is a forbidden planet! ?
user.png JKPHotel Owner date.png 2024/03/28(Thu) 08:51 | 返信 | 削除 |
[5] Letter
Hello, today is the Doll's Festival.Karen-chan, Eri-chan, Rie-chan, Mika-chan, it's your girl's day. Say hello in the future. From the owner💕
user.png JKPHotel Owner date.png 2024/03/03(Sun) 08:57 | 返信 | 削除 |