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🛸金星へ(To Venus)⇐

🌎地球へ(Return to Earth)⇐
⇒地下街(Underground mall)🕳️

赤い火星のオアシス、人生の旅で麻痺した心身を癒す宿。 各部屋でゆっくりとお過ごしください。 ★各部屋美女のおもてなし★
An oasis on the red mars, an inn where you can soothe your numb body and mind during your life's journey.Please enjoy your stay in each room. ★Hospitality of beautiful women in each room★

Maho「来てくれてありがとう」”Thank you for coming.”♡

Monika「久しぶりにお風呂に入りました。水は貴重です。」”It's been a long time since I've had a bath. Water is precious.”♡

Aris「火星の地下水で沸かしたコーヒーはいかがですか?」”Would you like some coffee boiled with underground water on Mars?”♡

サンプル地下1階プール(Basement 1st floor pool)
Moko「一緒に泳ごうよ」”Let's swim together”♡